Custom Desk Calendars

From $10.00

Make personalized desk calendars for your home or workplace that are both entertaining and functional.

Document Trim Size

8.27″ x 3.74″

210 x 95 mm

2481 x 1122 pixels

Full Bleed Size

8.39″ x 3.86″

213 x 98 mm

2516 x 1158 pixels

The finished artwork extends to fill the full bleed area to avoid white edges around.

Additional information


100, 250, 150, 300, 350, 400, 450, 2, 200, 4, 1, 3, 5, 10, 50

1 review for Custom Desk Calendars

  1. Adam Hoffner

    The product looks great! The team did a great job proofing and making changes quickly. Love this product and would recommend penguinprintpro. I have already started my second marketing project. Great customer service and product.

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